Unique and Relevant Articles for Your SEO Backlink Sites!
Our expert copywriting team creates unique content based on your own keywords and URLs.
Our 4 Commandments for Content
- Totally Unique
We thoroughly check all content through Copyscape. Local Finder does not tolerate plagiarism.
- Relevant
The content we produce is semantically relevant to the keywords you provide. Every article we provide is oozing with LSI value.
- Readable
Everything we write for you will be grammatical and meaningful. All Local Finder content meets US university-level standards.
- UX Optimized
Our articles aren’t limited to text. We also fill them with high-quality, high-relevance images and videos to maximize your SEO exposure.
What Our Content is Not (or, Managing Expectations)
We take pride in our content. That’s why we offer the first one-stop link building content solution completely provided by university educated copywriters. But be aware that the content we produce is strictly for SEO and link-building purposes. We’re not writing the next Harry Potter here.
This content is not meant for your PR or social media uses. It’s not even content for your blog. It’s semantically relevant content we write and link to your website. This way it remains natural, informational content. We’re not spammy or advertorial.
Please remember our writers are not SMEs. Luckily, they don’t have to be. When our writers don’t know all about a subject, they can look up existing content and synthesize it into new and unique articles. They don’t have the background to evaluate what they find in this research.
But that doesn’t harm you, because the content won’t be on your site. It won’t have to represent your brand—all our content does it cite you as a quality source.
And it works.
Feel free to contact us for SEO Link Building Packages. Pricing may vary because every business is different.