Every year the digital world goes through rapid changes and we must try to keep up with it. Sometimes it’s only a fad, but other times something big comes along and changes it all.

One of these changes in recent years has been the massive boom in video marketing. It’s one of the most effective marketing methods and many businesses reap the benefits of it.

81% of businesses use video marketing to promote their services and products. It’s a great way to attract new clients and get your business out there.

There are a lot of great benefits of video marketing for your business. If you’re not already on board, here are a few reasons why you should be.

What Is Video Marketing?

Before we talk about why you need video marketing, let’s explain what it is first. For years now, businesses have relied on other forms of content to boost sales. Social media, blog content, SEO, they’re all popular methods.

But video marketing is different. It uses video to spread your message and inform people about your business. It’s proven to be a super effective strategy. In fact, 77% of people who watch video promotions report buying the product!

Have you got a new product you want to shout about? Or services you want people to try out? Video marketing could very well be the best way to do it.

What Are the Benefits of Video Marketing?

Now that we know what video marketing is, it’s time to discuss the benefits of it. There are a lot of great reasons to use it. You can make your content more accessible to a wider audience in an engaging way.

Methods like blog posts and social media posts are great, but video marketing allows more. You can fit more information in a 30-second video than you can in a tweet, and it’s easier to consume than a blog post.

Here are a few of the greatest benefits of video marketing.

1. Boost Your SEO

When it comes to marketing techniques, search engine optimization is super important. SEO dictates where your business shows up on search engine rankings. This affects how many people will find your business in searches.

There are a lot of factors which affect your SEO ranking. The amount of varied content you have for your site matters a lot. One of the best ways to get higher rankings is through video content.

Google owns YouTube, so getting more content there is a great way to boost SEO. YouTube has generated over $1.55 billion in advertising revenue. This is because so many people use it to watch videos, so you need to put your content there.

Add eye-catching titles and thumbnails, use the right keywords. Make sure to include links to your website and a call to action. Create engaging videos to get people interested and you’ll generate more sales!

2. Reach a Wider Audience

YouTube isn’t the only place people watch videos. Each major social media site not only supports but encourages video sharing.

The demographics of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram all differ. Uploading videos which engage with them can make a big difference.

Make short videos for social media showcasing your products. Make them mobile friendly and include click-through links to make it easy to get to your site.

3. Get Your Message Across

Video marketing doesn’t only help you get a wider audience, it helps you spread your message too.

Think about it, how many times have you stopped reading a long post or forgotten information from it? A video lets you get all that information out in a fun way.

In a two minute video, you can say so much more than a Facebook status or blog post ever could. It requires no effort on the viewer’s part either.

Make videos which are informative, but engaging. Don’t be forceful or pushy, and include a call to action at the end.

4. Improve Your Social Media

Like we said earlier, social media is great for sharing video. Video marketing and social media go hand in hand and boost each other.

If you add short videos to your social posts, you’ll get more interactions. Try to make them fun and entertaining to connect to your audience. It’ll encourage them to share the video and help you reach new potential clients.

5. Make a Connection

A boring old corporate video may convey your message, but it won’t connect with your audience. If there’s no substance to it, people won’t want to share it or form a connection with your brand.

But, if you add an emotional or funny element to your videos, you make your brand more human. This helps form a connection and boosts your brand notability.

Get your audience to stick around by creating a short story. Make it into something people want to share and have fun with it!

6. Make Your Business Future Proof

Did you know that by the year 2019, around 80% of all online content will be video? That means video marketing is the best way to keep up with trends and stay relevant.

Those who don’t adapt will fall behind, and you don’t want your business to fall behind. Videos help people engage with and understand your brand in an easier way.

When you make fun, interesting content, your audience will stick around for more. Encourage shares and likes to boost your video and keep more people watching.

7. Level Up Your Email Marketing

Email marketing is an old but effective form of marketing. It’s a great way to let your readers know about your business and what you’ve been up to.

But, one of the hardest parts of email marketing is getting people to open your emails in the first place. Adding content like images and video is a great way to encourage opens.

A good subject line and video description can get people to interact with your emails every time. Try to add video content to your emails on a regular basis. People will be more inclined to open emails and engage with your brand more.

8. Make Your Brand Trustworthy

A brand that people trust is one that will be around for a long time. When people have trust in your brand, they’ll come to you instead of the competitor.

A video marketing strategy is a great way to build trust. If you create content which connects to your audience on an emotive level, you garner trust.

It shows that your business cares for their customers. It can make them more confident that your business is right for them.

9. Make People Recognize Your Brand

We’ve all seen commercials where we know who the brand is before the video has finished. That’s an example of good video marketing

If you can create videos with a certain style or theme, you build brand recognition. When you do this enough, you can help build your brand into a household name.

Videos are easier for people to remember later on. When your audience remembers the video, they remember your brand too. This will lead to more conversions and sales in the long run.

10. Spread Across Devices

These days, most people are using their smartphones to consume online content. It’s important to make your videos mobile friendly.

Make portrait-style videos for sites like Instagram and Snapchat. Put subtitles on your videos so people can watch without turning up the volume. These little things make a difference. They make it easier for mobile users to engage with your content.

You can also upload videos and share from mobile devices, making it easier for you to share your videos on the go.

Are You Ready to Start Using Video Marketing?

When it comes to promoting your brand, nothing compares to video marketing. It’s the best way to stay ahead of the competition and boost your sales.

There are a lot of great benefits to video marketing, and these are only a few of them. It’s the way of the future for digital marketing and it’s an exciting way to do it.

Best of all, it’s fun! It gives you the chance to spread your creative wings and make better content. Show off your business in new, fun ways. So, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to start using video marketing for your business!

Want to get your business started with video marketing? Get in touch to see how we can help!


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