Google’s infatuation with long-form content creates a bottleneck. Where before 500 words sufficed, we’re expected to write 2,000+ words to compete with position #1!

This begs the question of whether the long-form content is necessary if the topic doesn’t call for it. It doesn’t seem so if you spent good money on content creation but didn’t get the ROI you expected.

You can buffer a post using the topic’s history and resources. You can add quotes and personal accounts. You can include stats and link round-ups…

…but who can commit 2,000+ words every day? You’ve got a business to run.

Creating video is quick and easy compared to writing if you have content primed and ready. Following steps to turn text to video may be the best method to break through this content threshold. Learning how to make a video blog could prevent burn-out either from you or your content team.

This post shares how to turn posts into a video using simple steps and resources you likely have. By its end, you’ll capture organic visitors from SEO content. Plus, traffic from platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and others.

Turning Thoughts into Words: The Groundwork to Turn Posts into Video

Videos need scripts and there’s no better way to make one than creating a great blog post as its start. Your resulting video will leverage the blog’s content — pulling key points — so you’ll want it the best it can be.

The point: Start with great source content if you intend to create great video.

Now, do these two items:

Crafting Great Content for Video

Great content will carry over to the video as you’ll use its best bits for key points and call-outs. The content should satisfy one’s want and/or need for information or entertainment. Deliver value and you’ll keep people hooked throughout the piece — then taking action.

What makes good (business) content?

  • Engagement — Something to hook them in
  • Value — Something to take away from it
  • Branding — Something to build your image
  • Purpose — Something to attract clients or sales

Great content also aligns with visitor’s expectations. A strong headline draws attention while an introductory hook brings them in. Then, the body reinforces the idea throughout the work.

The converted content is like the 3-arc structure of storytelling found in movies!

Perfect your blog’s written content and most of the video is done for you. Your task is simply repackaging the content into a new format.

Structuring Written Content for Video

Your goal as you explore video content should include creating formulas. These are templates streamlining content creation to its eventual video format.

Your routine will look like this:

  1. Craft and publish blog content
  2. Convert blog content to video
  3. Embed the video into source content

The video acts as a summary, letting people skip the reading. But, adds extra value by complimenting the source content, too. Your content creation efforts work in parallel — written and audio/video.

Things to consider when improving the content formula includes:

  • Structure and presentation
  • Supporting resources and media
  • Suggestions and call-to-actions

…or the “big picture” of your efforts — the brand and perceived value.

Now do this:

  1. Create a swipe file or brand/mood board
  2. Collect the best content examples in your niche
  3. Compile keyword and content topic research
  4. Write a dozen+ title variations for each content topic
  5. Note supporting keywords to act as sub-section for each topic
  6. Pair relevant media (e.g. graphs and images) for each piece
  7. Decide on one strong pitch/CTA for each piece

Compare the content, finding similarities and structure. You’ll likely notice your content answering the who, what, how, and why. This defines your site’s content and the eventual script used in video creation.

Turning Words into Video: The Text to Video Process, Step-by-Step

There are three good ways of turning text into a video:

  • PowerPoint
  • Actors
  • Screencast

Let’s go into how each is done.

Creating Video Content with PowerPoint

Creating a video with PowerPoint transforms slides into video through editing and effects. It’s one of the easiest methods to make a video if you’re camera shy or limited on budget.

Step 1: Open a New Powerpoint Project

Open PowerPoint and create a new, blank project. Or, use a presentation template found through design blogs or marketplaces.

Step 2: Condense Your Blog Article (Using the Best Bits)

Read and re-read the source blog post for its best information. Then, condense those sections into bullet points used on individual slides.

Step 3: Pair Content with Relevant Graphics

Collect graphics from sources like:

  • Unsplash
  • DepositPhotos
  • Getty
  • Your collection
  • From the source post

Select images relevant to the bullet points on each slide. Use the image as a reinforcement to the idea while adding emotion for engagement.

Step 4: Edit and Fix the Presentation

Run the presentation, looking for flaws and seeing how it “flows”. Fix mistakes and tweak content and images after one or two passes.

Step 5: Export the PowerPoint as Video

Go to:

  1. File
  2. Save & Send
  3. Create a Video

Export the video to your workspace in high-definition.

Step 6: Add a Voice Over with Extra Content

Open the video file in your preferred video editor. Then, use the narration and voice-over tools to add spoken content from the source blog. This gives a clean visual but offers extra value for those listening.

Step 7: Export and Upload the Final Video

Export and upload the video in high-definition to:

  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Social channels
  • Your website


You’ve successfully leveraged Powerpoint for video creation. You can further leverage the program by uploading the Powerpoint online, too! Or, snipping the slides for blog post images.

Creating Video Content with Actors

Live action video engagement happens because there is a face to the voice and content. Viewers connect. This connection is great for brand perception!

Here’s how to make live action-style videos.

Step 1: Condense the Script (Content)

Like before, condense the blog content into its best parts. Strip anything you’d consider “fluff”, taking away from the main subject. Then, piece the work into a script — reading it aloud to sense how it flows.

Step 2: Find an Actor or Actress

Find your video’s subject:

  • You
  • A team member
  • Someone you hire

You are the likely best candidate for the gig if you produced the content. You’re already familiar with the topic — let you convey your expertise. You being on video also adds to transparency and building a personal brand.

Too shy for the camera? A team member or someone you hire through freelance job boards will suffice. Ask for samples of prior performances, seeing if they’re the right fit for your video project.

Step 3: Practice and Refine

Never go in blind to the video creation else you’ll waste time.

  • Practice
  • Practice again

Eventually, you or the subject will memorize or read the script without hang-ups. Do a test run and review the practice video, finding quirks you could remove to lessen your time editing.

Step 4: Record the Video

Set up a quiet, well-lit space and press record.

  • Memorize or use a teleprompter for the script
  • Keep attention to the camera
  • Speak clear and loud

It will take a few attempts but you’ll eventually get a video 90% how you want and need it. The remaining 10% is fixed in editing. Or, truly doesn’t matter since any video is better than lacking video!

Step 5: Add Call-outs and Annotations

Add call-outs like graphics and bullet points in post-production. Or, add annotations so viewers can find extra information when a topic gets mentioned. These extras retain users focus, preventing them from feeling bored.

Step 6: Edit and Publish the Work

Finalize the edits, export, and publish the work to video sharing sites and your own. Then, optimize the work by including a good title and thorough description.

That’s It!

Practice makes perfect.

Keep producing video until you’re comfortable and efficient. Find time to work live video into your video marketing strategy. You’ll create these without trouble, offering content faster writing posts!

Creating Video Content with Screencasts

A third method involves recording your screen: screencasting.

Screencasts are the preferred format for tutorials and digital guides. The format is like an over-the-shoulder look at how things are done. This lets you share topics while reinforcing your expertise and brand through commentary.

Tools to create screencasts include:

  • Camtasia
  • OBS Studio
  • Screenr

You will then:

  1. Install and configure the program for recording
  2. Press record, walk through and narrate the topic/process
  3. Edit the screencast in a video editing suite
  4. Modify the work (e.x. adding call-outs)
  5. Export the video for the Web

Screencasts are helpful for internal training, too!

We’re Your Video Guide: Let’s Talk Strategy

You don’t need stats telling you the Web is shifting to video-based media. Sites like YouTube and apps like Instagram already proves people love videos. Now is a pivotal time in your business’s history — will it make the jump?

It’s very likely your competition is only recently embracing blog content. They’ll likely spend a good amount of time and money writing. You have a trove of great articles primed for visual media if you tried content marketing before.

Let us help you convert text to video.

We’ll work with your team identifying content your audience will love. Then, refine content into a script, ready to turn into a video. This gives you an incredible edge on the competition — we can’t wait to show you the results.

Give us a shout — (626) 720-4675 or our contact page for more details.


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